Was Jesus an Environmentalist?

After miraculously providing fish and bread for thousands of hungry people, Jesus commanded the apostles, “Gather the pieces that are left,” John 6:12.  Was Jesus an environmentalist?  Was he merely concerned that his actions not pollute the Israeli countryside?  Maybe his motto was “Don’t mess with Israel.”  (That just doesn’t have the same ring as “Don’t mess with Texas.”)

No, Jesus’ concern wasn’t for the environment but for you and me. We humans are people of little faith and much worry. Jesus constantly used our environment as a gigantic visual aid. As we see his hand of provision demonstrated through the environment, we grow in faith.

Jesus once pointed out that five sparrows were worth two pennies. Then he reminded us that, “not one of them is forgotten by God,” Luke 12:6-7. In other words, God takes care of seemingly worthless, insignificant creatures. He then urged us to not be afraid because we are worth more than many sparrows. Next time sparrows perch on your fence or frolic in your yard, remember who takes care of them and you.

Our Savior once reminded us of the beautiful wild flowers which bring joy to both heart and mind. Who clothes the flowers with beauty? Our Heavenly Father! Well, “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:28-30).

So, why don’t we train ourselves to see the hand of our loving Provider in the beauty of our environment? Stop and smell the roses. Refuse to allow the frantic pace of your life to blind you to all that God does around you. Open your eyes and see all the faith building, energy increasing, joy inspiring beauty of the environment your Father created.

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