Before All Else Fails

Famous last words: “After all else fails, read the instructions.”

God suggests something much better: “Before all else fails, praise.” That’s right, praise for God acts as a preventative for so many human ills.  After all, doesn’t the Lord’s Book of Instruction command us to be constantly praising him?  We praise him for who he is, what he like and for all he does.  This praise for God releases his power against everything that threatens us and those who love us.  The divine power overwhelms many of our enemies before they can lift their hand to strike us.

Begin your day with praise for the Lord who rules all things.  Form the habit of praising from the first moment you awake.  Instead of listening to the radio or television, fill your early morning with audible or silent praise.  This praise begins a fresh flow of his Spirit in your human spirit.  No matter how you feel physically or emotionally, his Spirit brings his joy and optimism into you.  No matter what problems or challenges the day holds, praise for God prevents unbelief and doubt from overwhelming your thoughts.

King Jehoshaphat didn’t know the phrase, “before all else fails, praise.” But he sure practiced it. In the face of a vast enemy army, he sent a choir out in front of his army.  The choir’s purpose?  To praise the Lord!  The result of such seemingly foolish action?  God supernaturally worked to defeat the enemy.  Jehoshaphat’s army didn’t shoot an arrow or throw a spear, but they won the victory.

Before all else fails, praise like crazy!

“God intends for our spirit to be the life force within us.  In this way our spirit empowered by his Holy Spirit controls our physical and emotional appetites.”

God specializes in delighting in us.”

“No enemy can withstand a human spirit that is empowered by God’s Holy Spirit.  Jesus’ resurrected Spirit returns us to the humanity God envisioned before the world began.”

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