People and Pink Periwinkles

pink periwinkleOne fall I abandoned a pot of pink periwinkles.  Part of the plant died and the remainder looked very sick.  I moved the potted plant from our patio to a neglected corner of our back yard.  After all, “out of sight is out of mind.”

During the winter the abandoned plant endured months of drought and temperatures that reached the low twenties.  I simply paid no attention to it and intended to throw it away in early spring.

Guess what?  The plant survived, revived and again occupies a prominent place on our patio.  It’s beautiful!  The leaves and stems appear as healthy as ever.  Beautiful pink flowers sit atop almost every stem.

But you know, people aren’t pink periwinkles.  They can’t survive neglect.  People must receive personal attention and loving care.  Relationships onlyfamily playing game   thrive when carefully cultivated.  Abandoned relationships always perish.  People aren’t like my pink periwinkles.

Friends, please remember that God placed you on earth so you can build relationships with other humans.  Life isn’t about things.  Things will not go to heaven with you.  Only people go to heaven with us, so our life must focus on relationship building.

God sent you to planet earth to use you as his instrument for blessing people.

family reading bibleAsk the Lord to help you cultivate relationships with fellow Christians.  Request that he help you wisely develop acquaintances among those who don’t know Jesus.  Then, out of your friendship will spring opportunities to tell them about salvation through Jesus.

Mostly, your family needs you taking time for them.  Place top priority on spending time with your family.  Reach out to your spouse, and play with your children.  They will all thrive because you invested yourself and your time in them.

Praise the Lord for pink periwinkles and the lessons they teach!

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