God’s Wisdom, Understanding & Knowledge Possessing You

“By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps were divided,” Proverbs 3:19-20.

Since God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding made everything, shouldn’t we humans seek to be possessed by divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding?  How blessed our relationships with other humans would be!  How much better we would do on the job!  How much more love and joy would fill our hearts!  Yes, when God’s thoughts control our minds, words and behavior, his blessings rest upon everything we are and everything we do!

There’s a book in the Bible called Proverbs.  As we read this book again and again, it gains control over us.  It begins influencing our thoughts, beliefs and words.  Godly wisdom, understanding and knowledge flow from Proverbs into our emotions and thoughts.  God’s way of living becomes our way of living.  God’s way of treating people becomes our way of treating them.  God’s beliefs become our beliefs.

Why not try reading Proverbs?  There are thirty-one chapters in the book.  Try reading a chapter a day according to the calendar date.  In this way, you will read Proverbs through each month.  Think of that!  For just a few minutes  a day you can read Proverbs through twelve times a year.

Then, Godly wisdom, understanding and knowledge will possess you.  You will enjoy increased harmony in your relationships with people. More and more divine happiness will fill your heart.

Be greatly  encouraged,

Pastor James Fields


6 thoughts on “God’s Wisdom, Understanding & Knowledge Possessing You”

  1. James, Thanks for reminding us of our need and God’s desire to fill us these divine qualities – wisdom, knowledge, and understanding – and how profoundly they affect our lives and relationships. You and Delores are a tremendous blessing to us personally, and to the Kingdom!


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