“A Faithful Person Will Be Richly Blessed,” Proverbs 28:20.

Tired Woman Tired

Either mental or physical fatigue makes it easy to quit at whatever we know to do or want to do.  Remember that the Lord promises to richly bless the faithful.  What’s “faithful”?  It’s keeping going when you don’t feel like it.  Okay.  So how do we keep going in spite of fatigue?

Get some rest.  Even God rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2).  Since he doesn’t fatigue or wear out, he rested as an example for you and me.  Rest is part of his will and plan for us.  Accept it and do something to get some rest!

God “protects the way of his faithful ones” (Proverbs 2:8).  In other words, you can afford to get some rest.  While you rest on a vacation, a shopping trip, a fishing trip or just a quiet walk down the street, God will guard you and everyone who depends on you.  A little rest here and there will make you better at what you really enjoy doing in life.  Your ability to be a blessing to the people who need you will increase dramatically as you rest.  When I was 33 years old I realized I had no hobbies.  I worked all the time and enjoyed it, but I was wearing out.  I decided to take a scuba diving course at a university in our town.  A few years later Dee became a scuba diver and we enjoyed scuba vacations in many parts of the world.  We look back at these times off as real key to our ability to endure the fatigue life imposes on all of us.

Go ahead–get some rest–it’s alright.  You will be blessed because you are following God’s example of resting!


1 thought on ““A Faithful Person Will Be Richly Blessed,” Proverbs 28:20.”

  1. This is soooo good. Many times we think if we take time to rest, we will lose out. This is a really good reminder. I’m going to take a break from work now… Pastor James and Sister Dee, thank you for your wonderful ministry!

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