Meditation that Builds You Up

Beloved BibleScripture points us towards meditation that builds us up and never tears us down! On the other hand, Satan, our sinful human nature and the corrupt social system in which we live, tries every way possible to use our meditation against us. There is some really great news! God’s written Word directs us into healthy meditation that blesses us and everyone around us. pursue intimacy with God

First, let the Spirit of Jesus fill you.  Jesus’ Spirit took up residence in our human spirits at the moment of our new birth.  Galatians 4:6 puts it this way: “God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts.”  Jesus’ presence in us empowers our spirits to keep our meditation focused on the Lord and his promises.  The powerful Spirit of Jesus imparts to our spirits ability to choose healthy meditation!

Secondly, fill yourself with the Bible.  This means we read and re-read Scripture and fellowship with people who respect and love the Bible.  Scripture in our thoughts keep us optimistic when surrounded by the worst of times.  Scripture in our thoughts bring us under the control of divine motivation so that it is natural to surrender our minds to God’s thoughts.  He thinks victory, honesty, confidence and loves sinlessness.  Bible based motivation keeps reminding us that this life is not about this life, but about spending eternity with Jesus!

Thirdly, “hate what is evil” (Romans 12:9).  The word evil refers to everything that turns our attention from the Lord and dampens our love for Jesus.  Evil originates in Satan, sinful human nature and the society controlled by wicked people.  We stand guard over our eyes and ears because they serve as the gateways into our minds.  Evil constantly tries penetrating these gateways in order to gain control of our meditation.  We say “no” to discouragement and attraction to everything that God defines as evil.  As we read, meditate in and re-read Scripture, we absorb God’s disgust with all that destroys love for Jesus.

The first three verses of Psalm 1 points us to a life that’s completely victorious, hilariously happy and unsuppressed by anything:

  • Psalm 1:1, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
  • Psalm 1:2, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.
  • Psalm 1:3, That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.”

Click here for a PDF of a pamphlet to help you start to Memorize Scripture for Meditation


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