
This covers our Scripture Sheets and just random Scriptures we think will be an encouragement to you.

Joyful Toon by Mike Waters

Maintaining My Addiction

Joyful Toon by Mike Waters

During the summer before my senior year in high school I surrendered myself to Jesus and a couple of months later received an experience called the baptism into the Holy Spirit.  These two encounters with the Spirit of God radically changed me and the direction of my life.  When my pastor saw the my new love of the Lord, he took time to show me his Bible verse memorizing method.  I adopted his suggestion and started a life long Bible memorizing program.  Soon Bible memory became a good, healthy addiction.BIble

At age 33 my vision impairment precluded using my eyes to read.  Therefore, I started using electronic devices to read the Bible and I soon started using these same devices to help with memorization.

Now that I’m 67, it’s becoming difficult to read the largest of print.  No problem for my memorizing addition though.  My wife or secretary reads the book, chapter and verse onto a digital recorder.  I use another aid for the visually impaired called a Victor Reader to look up the verses and record them on a digital device. Then I use this recording to review my memory verses.  What a deal—you can’t keep an old guy down.

Memorizing Scripture Pamphlet

Click here to purchase this pamphlet

Memorize Scripture for Meditation

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Avoiding Shipwreck

The apostle Paul was well acquainted with shipwrecks.  “Three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea,” 2 Corinthians 11:25.  Consequently, Paul used the word shipwreck to illustrate the seriousness of holding on to our faith in Jesus and maintaining a good conscience.  He told Timothy to “fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience.   Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith,” 1 Timothy 18:19.

Faith in Jesus entails more than merely embracing a religion.  Faith in Jesus creates an ever-growing love for him, our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, we strive mightily to increase our emotional and spiritual attachment to Jesus and fight off every human idea or teaching that endangers our affection for the Jesus who sacrificed himself for our salvation. …

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The Two R’s

Most of us grew up hearing about the three R’s–Reading, WRiting and ARithmetic.  These three abilities make it possible for us to not only survive in this modern world, but also thrive in it.  Leave out one of the three R’s and life will prove a very great struggle.

Recently as I read 2 Peter 1:12-13 I realized it speaks of the two R’s which are vitally essential to following Jesus and loving him whole heartedly.  …

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Love One Another

Here’s an absolute marvelous listing of “one another” scriptures that help us follow Jesus’ example of love.

            Most Christians know that Jesus wants us loving one another.  Nevertheless, loving other humans proves more difficult than loving God.  So the Lord wisely included several “one another” scriptures in the New Testament.  As we read the forty-three “one another” scriptures listed below, His Word will empower us with the ability to choose love for each other.  When you don’t “feel” love, choose to love.  Christian love produces “feelings” of love, but Christian love never depends only upon “feelings”.

            “For anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen,” 1 John 4:20.

            May His energy-filled Word work His power-packed love for one another into our entire person! …

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Gentleness or Wrath

Here’s a wonderful paragraph written by Mark Melendez, an elementary principal in Sugarland, Texas. Mark’s comments apply to all of us. I hope you are encouraged to practice gentleness.

Two lambs


“Let your gentleness be known to all.” – Philippines 4:5 

“A gentle tongue turns away wrath.” – Proverbs 15:1  

I guess my position as building principal gives me many opportunities to stir up wrath or add fuel to it. It hasn’t taken me long to realize that wrath never ends well. I think our selfish nature figures that it is something we deserve. When someone else does us wrong it’s our duty to make them pay. We often attack either face to face with boisterous well placed, cutting words, or we choose to inflict pain through the long drawn out process of gossip, fault-finding, and devious plots. The result is harmful to all involved. This mindset robs our joy and destroys relationships to all involved, and often to innocent bystanders.

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Navigating through the Bible Books–Old Testament

Holy BibleThe 39 books of the Hebrew Bible contain prophecies of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection. Jesus is the focal point of both the Old and New Testaments. Actually, the idea of an Old and New Testament is a human invention that blurs the fact that the Bible is one, not two separate entities. The Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible fit together perfectly. The Old Testament books serve as the foundation of the New Testament books. The New Testament explains the Old Testament. …

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Navigating through the Bible Books–New Testatment

The Bible’s a pretty big book that the translators divided into small books, verses and chapters.  Here’s an idea on how to make it easier to find the books of the New Testament.

The Twenty-Seven New Testament Books by Category

Remembering the order of the letters written by the apostles is rather difficult.  Here’s a word association idea I use when trying to recall the placement of Paul’s letters to the churches:

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Memorizing Scripture

     At the end of my junior year in high school the Lord helped me surrender myself to his lordship.  He began leading my steps and building my love for him.  About 2 ½ months later I experienced what John the Baptist and Jesus called the Baptism into the Holy Spirit.  This new and powerful relationship with the Holy Spirit created in my heart an insatiable desire for the Word of God.  When the Pastor of our family’s church recognized my new interest in the Bible he personally taught me how to memorize Scripture.  His instruction launched me on a life long program of not only reading the Bible, but memorizing portions of it.

     In this Blog I want to share with you the five verses I most recently began memorizing.  I trust these portions of God’s Word bless you a lot! …

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