The Victorious Mind

Joyful Toon by Mike Waters

Maintaining My Addiction

Joyful Toon by Mike Waters

During the summer before my senior year in high school I surrendered myself to Jesus and a couple of months later received an experience called the baptism into the Holy Spirit.  These two encounters with the Spirit of God radically changed me and the direction of my life.  When my pastor saw the my new love of the Lord, he took time to show me his Bible verse memorizing method.  I adopted his suggestion and started a life long Bible memorizing program.  Soon Bible memory became a good, healthy addiction.BIble

At age 33 my vision impairment precluded using my eyes to read.  Therefore, I started using electronic devices to read the Bible and I soon started using these same devices to help with memorization.

Now that I’m 67, it’s becoming difficult to read the largest of print.  No problem for my memorizing addition though.  My wife or secretary reads the book, chapter and verse onto a digital recorder.  I use another aid for the visually impaired called a Victor Reader to look up the verses and record them on a digital device. Then I use this recording to review my memory verses.  What a deal—you can’t keep an old guy down.

Memorizing Scripture Pamphlet

Click here to purchase this pamphlet

Memorize Scripture for Meditation

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Assets, not Liabilities

     After becoming legally blind and losing my driver’s license at age 29 I made lots of changes in my lifestyle.  Obviously, I could no longer drive so my wonderful wife plus friends at the church became my chauffeurs.  Nobody complained, no one criticized my inability.  In fact, after I gave up my driver’s license I imagined the Board asking me to resign because, after all, who needs a pastor who can’t drive a car.  Well, at the first board meeting after the Department of Public Safety refused to renew my license, the Board told me not to worry about it because they would help me with transportation.

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Ruthless Introspection

Dear Friends,

Let me share with you an edited email I recently sent.  Perhaps it will be a strength for you.

 Please read Genesis 37, then chapters 39-50.  Joseph’s story helped me so very, very much during the trials I went through during the early 1990’s.

I practiced lots of ruthless introspection, self-criticism and self-depreciation.  Trials and tests will do that to us if we allow it.  So one evening in Japan during early 1991, I was convinced I had never done one good thing in my whole life.  I figured all my trials and sufferings were due to my own faults and frailties.  About that time the Lord clearly spoke to me, “I am Controller of Circumstances and Director of Decisions.”  …

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Peace of Mind

Accessing Jesus’ Peaceful Thoughts

           Quiet peacefulness enveloped a grove of olive trees just outside the wall of Jerusalem.  We call this place the Garden of Gethsemane.  Darkness added a feeling of calmness to the scene.  Jesus’ apostles continued hoping their leader from Nazareth would, like Moses, bring Israel into freedom from foreign oppression.

            Suddenly human voices, muffled by distance, sounded in the apostle’s ears.  Gradually these angry voices grew louder as men holding torches approached.  This furious mob shattered their idyllic surroundings.  “Judas…arrived.  With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs.” (1 Matthew 26:47) As the arresting officer seized Jesus, our Lord began the most stressful, painful and disturbing time of all his days on earth. …

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