God’s Promises to His Servants

standing on his promisesIsaiah 65:13-14 lists several promises God makes to his servants.  This is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“My servants will eat.” Yes, Jesus promised that God will see to it that you have enough to eat, but eating is more than consuming food.  The Lord promises that his Word will energize your spirit with superhuman energy to overcome sin.  His Word provides uplifting meditation for your mind that keeps you happy in the midst of this worlds chaos.

“My servants will drink.  He will refresh your spirit with Jesus, the water of life.

My servants will rejoice.”  The apostle Paul listed nine fruit the Holy Spirit produces in us.  The second one is “JOY!”  This joy is not something we produce or work up by our effort.  This joy is like the Lord in which it originates–always available regardless of circumstances or human emotions.

This eating, drinking and rejoicing is promised by the sovereign Lord.  Make up your mind to believe the Lord’s promise and choose to live the abundant life He promises all of His children.  You will not be disappointed!

Judges 2.1

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    1. Comfort and Encouragement Ministries

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