Feed Your Soul, Body & Mind with God’s Holy Word

Thoughts and ActionsA phrase from 1 Thessalonians 2:13 concisely describes the result of consistently reading the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. “The word of God…is at work in you who believe,” 1 Thessalonians 2:13. The Bible is unlike any book ever written because it originated in the Creator of the universe who selected particular humans to record his thoughts. Consequently, as we read the Bible, God works his will and ways into our hearts. He gains control of our thoughts, our emotions and our aspirations. We start thinking like God, sharing God’s desires and loving God’s ways. No wonder Jesus declared, “The words I’ve spoken to you are spirit and they are life,” John 6:63.

I started consistently reading the Bible during the summer recess between my junior and senior year in high school. It’s been a long time, but the Bible still thrills my heart as much in these days as in my earlier years. Why? Because it’s a living book that releases God’s energy and joy into the human spirit.

Keep reading the Scriptures and never give up on them!

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