God Made Each of Us for a Specific Reason and Purpose

God's Word Equals SuccessWe must train ourselves to consider our differences from other people as doorways to success. We must never allow ourselves to consider differences from other people as roadblocks to success. God made each of us for a specific reason and purpose. Your Creator made your inmost being; he knit you together in your mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13). When we compare ourselves to others we usually run ourselves down and become discouraged. There is no need to compare yourselves to others because the almighty maker of everything chose you for specific purposes and reasons.

Remember, your differences are doorways to success and never roadblocks to success. Keep your eyes on your heavenly Maker whose infinite genius designed you. Don’t fear your inabilities, your impairments or your lack of opportunities. Lift your attention to the Lord described in the Bible and you will be encouraged to become more than you ever dreamed!

Scripture Sheet Assurance of Success

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