God’s in the Rescuing Business

 Mistakes Guide YouI can’t count the times God rescued me from ruining my walk with him and my ministry to his people. Let me share with you one of those times.  I was a young highly motivated pastor who was always busy with work. One day as I was doing my exercise walking, the Holy Spirit spoke very plainly to me, “You’re not praying.” I stopped my exercise, looked around to see if someone was standing near me, but no one was in sight. I knew the Lord had nailed me! As I strolled home, I tried convincing myself that I was praying. I prayed when I mowed the lawn, washed the car, attended church and, well, you get the idea. I had failed to set special time aside for being alone with the Lord.

 I decided to set one hour each day aside for being alone with the Lord. (This was in addition to my private Bible reading.) I began my program and things started out pretty roughly. I spent my sixty minutes with the Lord, but wasn’t feeling him very near. After a few days of this not so exciting time in God’s presence, I entered my prayer room and closed the door behind me. Kneeling down, I spoke out in desperation, “Lord, you have me for an hour whether or not you want me.” Immediately, the Lord’s presence entered that little bedroom and enabled me to praise, glorify and magnify God in a brand new way. The Lord’s presence surrounded me, filled me and ministered to me. Ever since that day long ago, my private time with the Lord has grown and grown in both duration and intensity.

 I’m sure glad God’s in the rescuing business.

You LPECCovercan find out more on how God changed my prayer life in my book Leaving Prayer, Entering Communion.  You can order a copy on our website by clicking here

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