Keeping Yourself Encouraged

standing on his promisesDavid faced insurmountable odds against his success.  His own followers were talking of stoning him because they were so grieved over the kidnapping of their wives and children.  They blamed David for all their problems.

As his followers discussed getting rid of him, “David was greatly distressed.”  Surrounded by threats from every direction, “David found strength in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6).

What a beautiful example of how we face life’s distressing times!  Instead of giving up we find strength in the Lord our God!  How?

man holding bibleRead His Word!  This account of David’s situation recorded in 1 Samuel 30 shows us how to handle our distressing situations.  We find strength in the Lord our God.  We encourage ourselves through his Word, his promises and his directions.  Our emotions distract us from the Lord our God.  We say, “No” to discouragement, downheartedness, and hopelessness.  We choose to look to our God by remembering his promises recorded in his Word.  Then, divine power energizes us with God’s power that overcomes our weakness.

God’s Word is like his person–the same yesterday, today and forever.  We can count on his promises, his instructions and his insight recorded in Scripture.

Choose to be strong!  Yield to encouragement and reject discouragement.  God will bring you through the trials of life.  God created you to be a winner not a loser.

David’s men did not kill him.  In fact, this young man became the most famous Israeli king.  In fact, in both the new and old testaments Jesus is referred to as David’s descendant.  We are blessed in the 21st century because David refused to yield himself to discouragement.  You can do the same thing!

Keep going, victory fills your future!! Joyful Toon by Mike Waters


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