Promises for Righteous Living

proverbsMany years ago I heard someone suggest reading the book of Proverbs one chapter a day according to the calendar date.  I began this practice and have benefited greatly from this wonderful book of divine wisdom.

As I became more familiar with Proverbs, I began decoupling the promises to the righteous from the curses upon the wicked.  Let me give you some examples from Proverbs chapter 11.

“Righteousness delivers from the death.” (Verse 4)

The righteousness of the blameless makes their paths straight.” (Verse 5)

“The righteousness of the upright delivers them.” (Verse 6)

“The righteous man is rescued from trouble.” (Verse 8)

“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices.” (Verse 10)

“He who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.” (Verse 18)

“The truly righteous man attains life.” (Verse 19)

“Those who are righteous will go free.” (Verse 21)

“The desire of the righteous ends only in good.” (Verse 23)

“The righteous will thrive like a green leaf.” (Verse 28)

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life.” (Verse 30)

Please, dear friends, let me encourage you to begin reading Proverbs a chapter a day according to the calendar date.  You will be richly blessed and  learn the Godly wisdom that keeps us out of trouble and brings into the good life God designed for us.

Be greatly encouraged,

Pastor James Fields

Please read Introduction to Proverbs  for more on the book of Proverbs and successful living!

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