Thriving During Seasons of Barrenness

Every human wants to live a fruitful life.  We all desire to do something worthwhile, something that blesses people.  We need to feel significant.

But life on earth occasionally brings seasons of barrenness.  Those times of fruitlessness confuse us, hurt us, and test us.  Nevertheless, you cannot escape all seasons of barrenness.

Accept barren seasons as normal cycles of life.  God designed humans to be fruitful in season.  Fruitful seasons bring joy, but cannot last forever.

Why can’t we constantly enjoy the thrill of bearing fruit?  Is it too much to expect uninterrupted high-intensity fruit bearing?

Yes, it’s too much to ask.  Endless fruitfulness sometimes endangers our relationship to God.  We become so engrossed with productivity that we forget the God who alone makes us fruitful.  Temporary barrenness allows us to refocus our attention on God’s person.  We recall that serving Him is primarily all about loving Him.  Then we don’t become discouraged by barrenness.

Fruitfulness springs from union with Jesus, the Creator of all things.  So, in order to increase our fruitfulness.  He uses seasons of barrenness to deepen His fellowship with us.  Deepened fellowship brings incredible fruitfulness.  Friends, don’t be discouraged during barren seasons.  Recall Jesus’ promise to those who set their hearts upon loving him.  “If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.”

Scriptures referred to: Psalm 1:3 and John 15:5

Colored Fields

5 thoughts on “Thriving During Seasons of Barrenness”

  1. A very powerful word and great insight into the wrestling that each of us go through during certain times in our lives. The enemy often uses these seasons of barrenness to heap condemnation upon us. Thanks for reminding us that our lives are not complete without these times of resting in and waiting on the Lord.

    Bless you friend!


  2. This was a fantastic thought — the idea that we need times of barrenness to draw more closely to God. Reminded me of the food cycle God instituted in OT times in which He instructed us to allow the land to lie barren periodically, so as to increase its productivity in normal years of farming. I’d never really considered that barrenness in terms of our spiritual lives could actually serve a preordained purpose toward helping us grow in the Lord. It also reminds me of the promise God made to “show us great and mighty things that we knew not of.” I’m so glad God routinely shows you and Delores these great and mighty things, and that you’re both so willing to share them with all of us.

  3. Pastor Fields, Thanks for such a blessing in time of need , I pray that Gods blessing will simply over take you and continue to aniont you to do your part in building up the body of Christ for such time as this BLESSINGS!!!!!!!

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