The Objective of Endurance

“If we endure we will reign with” Jesus (2 Timothy 2:12).

Most people admire endurance. We appreciate the athlete who presses on in spite of injury. We marvel at the university student who maintains good grades in spite of family problems or financial struggles.Christ on the Cross

No one experienced trails and pain equivalent to the tough times that surrounded Jesus. Well, tough times also attack those who follow Jesus. Perhaps the unpleasantness is personal or it’s persecution because of our love of Jesus and obedience to him. Either way, the Scripture reminds us to keep the objective of endurance in view so we will not lose heart and give up. The objective stated in 2 Timothy 2:12? “We will…reign with” Jesus! Endurance makes us trustworthy servants able to assist Jesus during His kingdom on earth. When life is painful remind yourself of pains outcome–eternal service in behalf of the Jesus who loves us infinitely!

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