God Isn’t Angry

Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?  Do you think Jesus’ question angered Father?  Do you see your God as a person who becomes short tempered when you ask, “Why, God, did this happen?”

 I know I’m assuming this, but I just can’t see Heavenly Father reacting angrily when Jesus asked, “Why?”  What motivated Jesus’ question?  Was it rebellion against doing Heavenly Father’s will,  or a feeling that he knew better than God?  No, pain and despair overwhelmed Jesus.  This hurt forced his tortured mind to look for reasons behind his pain. Jesus on the Cross

Christian friend, many of us hurt.  We want to ask God for reasons for our disappointment or unimproving condition.  Regrettably, we fear that he would disapprove of such questions.  So we go on hurting and feeling that Father unfairly refuses to explain his actions.

As far as we know, Heavenly Father did not answer Jesus’ question.  But an answer to the question isn’t the point.  Jesus trusted his Father so much that, without fear, he asked!

Your Father in heaven loves you so much that he feels your every pain and hears your every groan.  He wants you so confident in your relationship with him that you freely ask for reasons.  He may choose to explain his reasons to you, he may remain silent, or he may delay his answer.  Again, the answer isn’t the point.  The act of asking relieves you of tremendous emotional pressure and mental strain.  Released from the struggle created by fear of asking, you will experience a new surge of hope and joy.  Trust will grip you.  Hope and joy will flood your inner self.  The Holy Spirit will deposit God’s peace in your heart so that you continue victoriously on your way.

 Scripture referred to:  Mark 15:34

 Asking God for reasons relieves us of tremendous emotional pressure.God's Glory

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