
Your Companion During Troubled Times

breaking newsInstantaneous electronic communication fills 21st century humanity with a constant birage of news about earth’s troubles.  This knowledge can easily overwhelm us with dread and remorse.  In fact, Jesus predicted, “On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity….People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world,” Luke 21:25-26.

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Using Life’s Ups and Downs

shipLet’s put out to sea,” the captain ordered.  Sailors flung ropes off the ship to the dock.  Rowers strained at their oars as the little wooden vessel pulled away from land and headed out into the Mediterranean.  Below decks a Hebrew prophet named Jonah lay fast asleep.

The ship’s crew anticipated a routine voyage.  Everyone felt “up” as the sea breeze pushed the craft farther and farther from land.  Things looked good! …

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When It’s Hard to be Happy

   God Makes You Happy

Things started going downhill for Paul in Jerusalem. An angry mob rioted and attempted to kill him. Subsequently, he endured several trials in Roman courts before the appeal process landed him in Rome. Incidentally, the sea voyage to Rome included a narrow escape from a hurricane and several months stranded on the island of Malta. …

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Trusting Your Budget Buster

Cupped Hands

“Moses, we’re tired of this manna. Manna in the morning, manna in the evening, manna day after day. Give us meat to eat!”

The Lord responded to the peoples’ demand by saying, “Now the Lord will give you meat and you will eat it, you will not eat it for just one day or two days or five, ten or twenty days, but for a whole month….” 1

God’s spectacular promise busted Moses’ budget. The amount of meat God promised did not fit into Moses’ mental calculator. “And Moses said, ‘Here I am among six hundred thousand men on foot and you say I will give them meat to eat for a whole month. Would they have enough if flocks and herds were slaughtered for them? Would they have enough if all the fish in the sea were caught for them?’”2

In spite of Moses’ doubts, the Budget Buster refused to deviate from the provision he promised. “The Lord answered Moses, ‘Is the Lord’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you.’”3

We normally associate the word budget with the word finances, but we have placed ourselves on many other budgets: ability budgets, time budgets, talent budgets. We refuse to go beyond our abilities, talents or time, because budgets place definite boundaries on us which we are afraid to overstep. So we remain locked in human inabilities, human wisdom and understanding, and human limitations.

But God’s love for us compels him to bust our budgets by asking us to do more than we ever thought possible. God only busts our budgets so he can free us from human limitations. Freed from human limitations, we experience God-size provision. “Now a wind went out from the Lord and drove quail in from the sea. It brought them all around the camp to about three feet above the ground. No one gathered less than sixty bushels.”4 A Bible scholar estimates that the Israelites gathered about 20,160,000,000 quail. That’s the way the Budget Buster works. He does “…immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.”5

                    How can we trust the promises given by our heavenly Budget Buster?

God Provides

Let Go of Our Human Explanations

Moses’ mental calculator powered up when God promised a one month’s supply of meat for millions of Israelis. Moses’ mind searched for human explanations that would force God’s promise to fit into his human brain. Must we slaughter all our cattle? Would there be enough if we catch all the fish in the sea? Moses reasoned.

Neither God nor his promises can fit into the human intellect. He can be known, but he cannot be fully explained. We can hear his promises, but never comprehend them. So, God simply told Moses that HE would carry out his own promise without human help.

Moses believed God’s word by letting go of his own human explanations. The leader of Israel decided to trust the Lord with all his heart and not lean on his own explanations. “Moses went out of the tent of meeting and told the people what the Lord had said.”When we can’t explain God’s greatness or the largeness of his promises, we choose to believe anyway. We let go of our human explanations and lay hold of the God who gives big promises.

Faith in God’s bounty rescues us from enslavement to our budgets. Then, divine power equips us to do what we thought we could not. Divine energy makes us more than we ever thought possible.

Trusting God's Promises

Go Beyond Our Minds

Trusting in the Lord with all our hearts and not leaning to our own explanations equips us to go beyond our minds. No, we don’t go out our minds, we go beyond them. Faith is not intellectual suicide—faith is depending on God’s infinite intellect. Should we expect an infinite person with an infinite genius to give human-size promises? Impossible! All God’s promises are like his person – immeasurable.

God knew what it would take to keep his promise to Moses. God knew he needed 20,160,000,000 quail. Moses had probably never seen more than a few quail at a time. But Moses stepped out of his budget by going beyond his mind. He trusted God to fulfill his own promise. Moses couldn’t figure things out, but he figured on God’s help and God came through.

We must set budgets for ourselves. We must live within our energy level, our financial situation and our human abilities. But sometimes it’s imperative for us to trust God’s promises and allow him to carry us beyond the boundaries of our budgets. Our heavenly budget buster enjoys performing miracles of provision. When life demands more of us than we can deliver, God will meet all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.7


1. Numbers 11:18-20 
2. Numbers 11:21-22
3. Numbers 11:23
4. Numbers 11:31-32
5. Ephesians 3:20
6. Numbers 11:24
7. Philippians 4:19







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Choosing Responses to Life that Lead to Success

Boy changing semi flatWe cannot always choose what life does to us. We can’t prevent all the accidents that beset us or our family. We can’t select the frailties that come or the difficulties our children face. But we always choose our responses to whatever life brings us. Why can we choose our response? Because you “can do everything through Him who gives [you] strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

The Jesus in you fills you with his power, the same power that enabled him to choose responses that led him to success.  True, he sits as Lord of lords and King of kings, but his Spirit also dwells in your spirit.

Be confident that he equips you to choose responses to life that lead to God-size victories!


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Don’t Fear Your Fears

Stop Sign

Feeling condemned over our fearful feelings isn’t that uncommon.   On the other hand, fearing our fears magnifies them.  We think God doesn’t want anything to do with us since we are entertaining fear and, therefore, we hesitate to ask him for help.  So, it’s very important to overcome fear of our fears.  …

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The Objective of Endurance

“If we endure we will reign with” Jesus (2 Timothy 2:12).

Most people admire endurance. We appreciate the athlete who presses on in spite of injury. We marvel at the university student who maintains good grades in spite of family problems or financial struggles.Christ on the Cross

No one experienced trails and pain equivalent to the tough times that surrounded Jesus. Well, tough times also attack those who follow Jesus. Perhaps the unpleasantness is personal or it’s persecution because of our love of Jesus and obedience to him. Either way, the Scripture reminds us to keep the objective of endurance in view so we will not lose heart and give up. The objective stated in 2 Timothy 2:12? “We will…reign with” Jesus! Endurance makes us trustworthy servants able to assist Jesus during His kingdom on earth. When life is painful remind yourself of pains outcome–eternal service in behalf of the Jesus who loves us infinitely!

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God, Please Put Me Back Together

Band Aids
It was a dark night in Japan in 1991.  I lived with a band of fatigue that stretched across my forehead about the level of my eyes.  The vision impairment, with which I was born, had worn me down after two years of living in that city of 30 million.  I loved the ministry, the pastoring and the people who attended Yokota Christian Center.  I wanted things to go well, but for my body things were falling apart.

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The Dracena Lesson

Dee and I live in a subtropical climate. Most years it never freezes at our house so vegetation does well. On the other hand, the last freeze lasted three days and lots of our plants died. At least, I thought they were dead.

Dracena’s are spindly plants with very long, narrow leaves. They grow well down here in South Texas except when a hard freeze comes. Our dracena’s appeared totally devastated by the last freeze so my lawn man dug them up. …

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